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Discussione: Bill Starr

  1. #1
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2012
    dal divano di casa ;)

    Predefinito Bill Starr

    Il nostro coach virtuale in alcune immagini d'epoca...

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    Klokovizziamo il mondo!
    ^^^Lactate Addicted^^^
    Μολων λαβε! Λεονιδα

  2. #2
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2012
    dal divano di casa ;)


    Oggi scrive x il Crossfit Journal... vi consiglio la registrazione al sito, articoli estremamente interessanti
    Klokovizziamo il mondo!
    ^^^Lactate Addicted^^^
    Μολων λαβε! Λεονιδα

  3. #3
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2012
    dal divano di casa ;)


    Ancora... the original!!!

    Perhaps the most critically acclaimed and enduring book ever written on the subject of weight training is Bill Starr’s “The Strongest Shall Survive: Strength Training for Football” written in 1976. Seemingly endless variations of Starr’s original routine have sprouted up all over the Net and for good reason – it is possibly the most perfect routine ever devised. His routine focused on bench presses, squats and power cleans, done on a Monday – Wednesday – Friday rotation with heavy, medium and light days. Bill Starr is where the “5×5″ routine came from; each exercise was done following a protocol of five sets of five reps. Starr’s 5×5 routine uses the three exercises which Starr referred to as “the big three”, quoting Starr:
    These are 3 basic exercises used by weightlifters to increase their strength….the football player (and you can insert Martial Artist, Fighter, whatever there) must work for overall body strength as opposed to specific strengthening exercises….In other words the athlete should be building total leg strength rather than just stronger hamstrings. He should be seeking overall strength in his shoulder girdle rather than just stronger deltoids….the program is fast, simple and, most importantly, effective. It requires very little space and a minimum of equipment….”

    Bill Starr’s 5X5 Routine In Its Original Form
    Monday – Heavy
    Power cleans – 5 sets of 5
    Bench – 5 sets of 5 1×10 weight from 3rd set (add 10 rep sets after 8-12 weeks on program)
    Squats – 5 sets of 5 1×10 weight from 3rd set
    (set 1 35% of target set 2 70% of target set 3 80% of target set 4 90% of target set 5 target)

    Wednesday – Light
    Power cleans – 5 sets of 5
    Incline Bench – 5 sets of 5 1×10 weight from 3rd set
    Squats – 5 sets of 5 1×10 weight from 3rd set set 5 use weight from 3rd set of Monday

    Friday – Medium
    Power cleans – 5 sets of 5
    Overhead press – 5 sets of 5 1×10 weight from 3rd set
    Squats – 5 sets of 5 1×10 weight from 3rd set set 5 use weight from 3rd set of Monday set 5 use weight 4th set of Monday

    Tratto da: http://oldschooltrainer.com/tag/bill-starr/
    Ultima modifica di Wildcat; 11-07-2013 alle 11:03 AM
    Klokovizziamo il mondo!
    ^^^Lactate Addicted^^^
    Μολων λαβε! Λεονιδα

  4. #4
    Data Registrazione
    Jul 2012
    Corridoio di casa.


    Era bello grosso... e guarda che carichi!!!
    Non ho capito il confronto con Arnold però

  5. #5
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2012
    dal divano di casa ;)


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da domenico94 Visualizza Messaggio
    Era bello grosso... e guarda che carichi!!!
    Non ho capito il confronto con Arnold però
    Era una foto così. .. l'unica in cui faceva il press olimpico.

    Inviato dal mio GT-I9300 con Tapatalk 2
    Klokovizziamo il mondo!
    ^^^Lactate Addicted^^^
    Μολων λαβε! Λεονιδα

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