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Discussione: Gerard Butler ed il film "300"

  1. #31
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006


    Questa dovrebbe essere recente...ed ha una bevanda proteica(EAS) in mano...

  2. #32
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2007


    ma piu che altro come è messo adesso l'attore che ha fatto Faramir nel signore degli anelli e che in 300 aveva la parte che in teoria rappresenterebbe Dienece (quello che diventa orbo insomma)

    apparte che io mi accontenterei del fisico della moglie di leonida. fossi stato uno spartano facevo l'Efore (o Efora?): laido, corrotto, lussurioso... tutte ottime qualità secondo me

  3. #33
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006


    David Wenham?? Lui credo sia tornato come prima...leggi qua sotto.

    Q. How hard did you have to work to get into physical shape?
    David Wenham: Ridiculously hard. The training on it was like nothing I’ve ever done; it’s probably the hardest thing I’ve done in my life. But also one of the most rewarding things. We trained until your body would want to give up and collapse, or you’d want to physically vomit. The warehouse in Montreal where we used to train with the 50 stunt guys used to have these canvas stretcher beds off to the side, so when we used to have breaks between training we’d have our little snacks – which would normally be five almonds or a bowl of ricotta cheese that I used to gag on – and then just collapse until we had to get up and work again.

    Q. The film is very close to being camp because of what these men are wearing and how they’re bonding. Was it difficult to take it seriously and not veer towards something different?
    David Wenham: It was pretty easy actually. The perception of it is strangely different from the reality. Sitting here, prior to filming I would probably have thought the same as you. But after having spent two months training together, it became so normal.

    To arrive there in the morning in Montreal, where it could be minus 27 degrees celsius outside, to walk inside that warehouse, take your clothes off, put on a leather codpiece and a cape became so normal because we were so used to it. That’s all we knew. So it didn’t even enter our minds being anything other than Spartans, and fighting together as a single unit.

    Q. Was a lot of the training about building muscle memory and making the things you do in battle appear like second nature?
    David Wenham: Absolutely. The training was split into two parts. We used to train every morning with this guy called Mark Twight and that was basically our physical training. His idea of training us was not just to put on big bulky, hard muscle, which is useless. They wouldn’t have been physically able to move with it. So what Mark does is create muscle that’s actually potentially there within you but just comes out.

    Then, in the afternoon we’d do our fight training where we’d be able to use the muscles that we worked with in the morning. We’d go through drills and drills with the fight training until you felt like your arm was going to fall off. Or with the lunges, you felt as though your legs were about to collapse.

    Q. Has Mark Twight worked before?
    David Wenham: This is the only movie he’s ever done. He trains in a gym in Salt Lake City and he has 18 people in his gym. Over the last two months, his website has had 9 million hits because of this film.

    Q. How come he hasn’t been used before?
    David Wenham: Zack had trained with Mark and found his form of training so incredibly unique and useful. Zack had to fight to have him on the film because it was shot in Canada and for reasons that the studio have to explain they would have desired to have somebody in Canada train us. But Zack fought to have Mark do it. Obviously, it worked.

    He’s an amazing guy. He’s done so many things but he slips under the radar. He holds most of the world records in mountain climbing with no oxygen and he trains cage fighters in America. He trains people to the limit of their physical ability; right out there on the edge. When he first sent me an email detailing what we were going to do and I saw footage of what we were going to do, I nearly freaked. I thought this is stuff that gymnasts or professional athletes do. It was Olympic stuff. I thought he’d be the end of us, you know, one of those people that yelled and shouted at us the whole time. But he wasn’t. He’s quite a small guy. But when he takes off his shirt, I tell you what there is more muscles in that guy’s back than has ever been shown in an anatomy lesson. He’s unbelievable.

    Q. Have you kept the muscles?
    David Wenham: No, unfortunately if you don’t use it, you lose it.

  4. #34
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006


    Oh come ha fatto a lasciarsi andare???
    Ultima modifica di +Dreamer+; 24-11-2008 alle 03:09 PM

  5. #35
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006


    Mooooooooolto interessante:

  6. #36
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2007


    mah, tutta quella fatica e buttare via tutto appena finito di girare il film

  7. #37
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006


    In quell'articolo linkato sopra, Mark Twight prende le distanze da quanto dichiarato dalla stampa sull'allenamento di 300 e fa chiarezza precisando alcune cose.
    Ultima modifica di +Dreamer+; 24-11-2008 alle 03:11 PM

  8. #38
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006

    Predefinito trainer è una mezza belva(e i collaboratori pure):

    Beccatevi queste trasformazioni di attori di 300.

    Vincent Week One

    Vincent Week Four

    Vincent, Week Eight

    Guillermo, Week Seven

    Guillermo, Week 13 ... after five weeks of "understanding"
    Ultima modifica di +Dreamer+; 24-11-2008 alle 03:08 PM

  9. #39
    Data Registrazione
    May 2008


    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da +Dreamer+ Visualizza Messaggio trainer è una mezza belva(e i collaboratori pure):

    direi 1/4 di belva, 165 di stacco...

  10. #40
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2006


    io ho visto un documentario su come sono riusciti a far cambiare quell'attrice, fantastico, le hanno fatto anche dei nei finti... avete visto la serial killer al quale si sono ispirati per il film?
    e' identica...
    Una volta ci si faceva il culo per vivere, ora è la vita a esser presa per il culo! [Heerokeem]

  11. #41
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006


    Vabeh...non è nè un PL nè un BB...è fondamentalmente un alpinista!

  12. #42
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006


    Quello che patisce, è il regista del film:

    Qui altri video della palestra dove hanno praparato gli attori del film:

  13. #43
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006


    Altre foto di Butler sul set...

    Ultima modifica di +Dreamer+; 25-11-2008 alle 02:31 PM

  14. #44
    Data Registrazione
    Oct 2006


    Nessuno che commenta gli allenamenti, i video, le foto...

  15. #45
    Data Registrazione
    Jun 2004


    Che dire? Gli allenamenti saranno stati duri, la dieta pure, è anche molto probabile che si siano "aiutati" con integrazione e farmaci ma sono discussioni senza fondamento che lasciano il tempo che trovano, mi pare.
    Io penso però che diverse di quelle "trasformazioni", in tempi più o meno lunghi sono molto possibili anche solo con sudore e ghisa e dieta giusta.
    E' chiaro da sempre che esistano forti differenze individuali nello sviluppo di masse muscolari, nella possibilità di smaltire "cinture" di grasso addominale.
    Personalmente penso che questi personaggi dello spettacolo si facciano trascinare in ambienti sciamannati, fra droga e donnine (non è facile resistere evidentemente) poi sono pronti a tutto pur di rientare e magari si bombano, guai loro, milioni di dollari loro
    A me spiace persino quando una persona comune si lascia andare, mi spiace vedere certi attori che diventano miti pubblici, "sfatti" (anche Swarzy alla sua età potrebbe essere meglio ecc.) Perciò dico che non sono certi personaggi che possono darci comunque l'esempio, qualsiasi allenamento abbiano seguito.

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